Every state, nation, and country in the world has its own set of things that make it unique, and Illinois is no exception.

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I've lived in Illinois my entire life, and a big part of my job is to know all the important things about this state, but I still seem to learn something new every day.

For instance, did you know there's a law against girls throwing snowballs in Mount Pulaski, Illinois, or that it's illegal to take a French Poodle to the opera in Chicago?

Did you know that Illinois has the most personalized license plates in the country and that square dancing is the official dance of the state?

Today I came across an Only In Your State article about things that most people don't know only exist in Illinois, and here are three that I never knew about before and found kind of fascinating.

3 Things That Only Exist in Illinois


Black and White Squirrels

I've seen a few black squirrels throughout my years on Earth, but I don't think I've ever seen a white one, and it turns out they are extremely rare everywhere else... except Olney, Illinois...

White squirrels are really Eastern Gray Squirrels that have a genetic mutation and apparently they really like to mate in one small Illinois town.

Illinois is the only state to have a Post Office you can drive under.

Google Street View
Google Street View

Today this building over Interstate 290 holds office spaces, but not too long ago it was a functioning post office and the only one in the world that cars can drive under.

Illinois is the only state to have Forest Preserve Districts

Susan Tyler; Townsquaremedia
Susan Tyler; Townsquaremedia

In case you don't know, Illinois takes preserving nature seriously and in 1913 the state passed the Illinois Forest Preserve District Act with the sole purpose of protecting our state's forests and natural places.  While other states have parks, only Illinois has this specific setup, making it a leader in outdoor spaces.

Ready for some more quirky facts that are unique to Illinois? Check these out...

20 Fascinating, Unknown Facts About the State of Illinois

13 Stupid Illinois Laws

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