Most people in Illinois call it "pop", or maybe "soda" when you get to central Illinois.  Or if you are from the farthest south area of Illinois, it might all be "coke" to you.  But you can't do that cause there are all sorts of different kinds of "coke".  That's a different debate for a different time.

Before the pop (that's what we're going with for this story) market was dominated by just a few brands, there were little shops around that would make a wide variety of flavors.  Why did some rise to billions of dollars of sales a year and some disappear?  Of course, answer number 1 is taste.  But then there is marketing, location, and getting bought out by one of the big manufacturers...there are many reasons the below pops no longer exist.

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Before you take a look at all the pops you can no longer find, here are the ones you can find everywhere.  These are the top 10 most popular pops in America

10 - 7-Up (Just under $1 billion)
9 - Sunkist
8 - Sierra Mist
7 - Fanta
6 - Sprite
5 - Mountain Dew
4 - Dr. Pepper
3 - Pepsi
2 - Diet Coke
1 - Coca-Cola ($36.5 billion)

That's a lot of pop.  If all the discontinued pops below put all their sales together it probably wouldn't equal what Coca-Cola is doing now in one year.

So here we are, with those pops or sodas or cokes...dominating what you get at your home or restaurant.  Maybe things would be better if some of these below had survived to give us more options.  Of course, some of the fast food places have the "make your own flavor" really now the possibilities are unlimited!

50 Types of Pop (or Soda) That Have Been Discontinued

LOOK: Popular Dinners Americans Don’t Make as Often Anymore

From classic casseroles to heaping helpings of beige-on-beige, these beloved American dinner dishes have fallen out of the mealtime rotation.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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