Coke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sCoke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sThe flavor first surfaced clear back in 1905. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
50 Kinds Of Pop Now Discontinued And Gone Forever In Illinois50 Kinds Of Pop Now Discontinued And Gone Forever In IllinoisThere used to be so many options for pop in Illinois.Ryan McCreddenRyan McCredden
18 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 202418 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 2024Pour one out for these drinks because it appears they're all gone for good. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.The drink made its original debut in Mexico in 1938 and will soon be more widely available in the U.S. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled The drinks actually had sugar in them even though they were labeled "zero sugar."Rob CarrollRob Carroll
One of Iowa’s Favorite Drinks Is Being DiscontinuedOne of Iowa’s Favorite Drinks Is Being DiscontinuedThe drink contains 180 Milligrams of caffeine, 5% juice, zero (0 G) added sugar, zinc, and vitamins A&C antioxidants. Kerri MacKerri Mac
Lagomarcino's Is Closing Its Restaurant For The Winter SeasonLagomarcino's Is Closing Its Restaurant For The Winter SeasonYou can still get chocolates, caramel apples, and ice cream.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
The Midwest's Top 4 Favorite Soft DrinksThe Midwest's Top 4 Favorite Soft DrinksIt goes by a lot of names, Soda, Coke, softdrink, and more. Here in the Midwest we mostly call it pop.JTJT