Moline Police Use Puff Daddy Lyrics To Ask For Help To Find Thief
The Moline Police Department is asking your help, using song lyrics from a 1997 Puff Daddy song, to find a woman who stole money left at a cash register at a Walmart in Moline.
Do you know the song It's All About the Benjamins by Puff Daddy featuring The Notorious B.I.G., Lil' Kim and The Lox? Whoever runs the social media for the Moline Police Department definitely does! They used a line from the song in a Facebook post to ask take a dig and ask the public's help in finding this woman who took money off of a register from a woman who accidently left the cash back she pulled out after checking out.
It's all about the Benjamin's baby
Yesterday, it certainly was all about the Benjamin's Baby, not sure if this lady was rocking to Puff Daddy's 1997 hit or if she is just greedy.
Yesterday at Wal-Mart, a customer accidentally forgot to retrieve her cash back from the self-checkout lane and walked away. Upon realizing her forgetting the cash, she returned to find it had been stolen.
The Moline Police Department is asking if you know who she is to please contact them at 309-524-2140 or contact Crime Stoppers of the Quad Cities at 309-762-9500.
And if you've never heard the song before, or you have and it's your jam, here's the video!

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