It seems like bank robberies don't happen much anymore because when they do, it feels like shocking news. A bank in Moline was recently robbed and police are still looking for the guy who did the robbery.

The man who robbed the bank didn't mind sticking out too much but his face doesn't appear to show his true age. Photos from the Moline Police Department show what looks like an old man in a bright outfit robbing the bank but his estimated age is still up for debate.

Moline Police Department via Facebook
Moline Police Department via Facebook

On Monday, the Moline Police Department said they were investigating a bank robbery that occurred that morning just after 9 a.m.

According to the report, at approximately 9:08 a.m., the Moline Police Department received a 911 call from Chase Bank, 501 15th Street reporting a bank robbery.

The report says that a single suspect entered the bank, demanded money from the teller, and displayed a handgun. The suspect left Chase Bank with an undetermined amount of cash.

The suspect is described as a male, approximately 5’10’ tall, and a medium build. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt with a green reflective vest, dark pants, and black Nike tennis shoes with white soles.

Moline Police say the suspect was wearing a rubber mask that made his face appear to be an old man which makes it more difficult to identify who he is.

The suspect fled on foot, west on 5th Avenue, and possibly got into a black SUV near 13th Street.

Moline police say the incident is still under investigation by their Criminal Investigation Division and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Crime Stoppers of the Quad Cities through the P3 Tips app or by calling 309-762-9500. People with information can also call the Moline Police Department Criminal Investigations Division at 309-797-0401.

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