The only thing that's bad about vacations - the food!

And, I'm of course not talking about the taste. But the calories. Oy Vey! Someone let out my pants please.

Starting today, I am determined to torch the calories that I consumed this past week. Bike rides, yoga, weights, running, the whole nine yards. I'm gearing up for swim suit season, baby!

I was scrolling through Kim Kardashian's Instagram the other day and noticed that she wears a waist trainer a few hours a day either while she's working out or just hanging around the house, and by the looks of her hot bod, it's working.

The only thing I question, is whether it's really good for you long-term. Yeah, it may be cute to have a little waist, but all of your innards are being re-positioned. I don't want my stomach in my esophagus for crying out loud!

Have you ever waist trained? Worth it or is it just the latest fad?

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