Quad Cities Hockey Finally has a New Name
Well it has been a long time comin'. We had to say goodbye to the Mallards. Next thing you know, we finally got our hockey team back, but then we needed a new name! Boy do I love the name choice! We welcome the QUAD-CITY STORM to town!!! Is it a coincidence that we are having some brutal storms right as they announce it? Probably, but we will just take this as a win for our new hockey team! Hopefully The QC Storm kill their opponents as bad as these storms have killed my garden.
Apparently 9+ people chose the name "Storm" in the naming contest. SO the owner Mr. Mosley went with it!
Check out their new website at www.quadcitystorm.com
Season tickets are now available starting at about $370.
Of course, be listening for your chance to win tickets!
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