Quad Cities Mom Starts Campaign for Riverfront Cameras
After the death of her son, this mom wants to push for safety along Quad Cities river fronts.
No parent is ever prepared for the loss of their child before them. I can't imagine the pain, the hurt, the grief. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Sam Davis from Rock Island. I had several friends who knew and loved him dearly and are supporting his Mom in her efforts for increased safety along our river fronts.
According to QCOnline.com, Donna Evans is trying to organize the 'S.A.M. (Safe Along the Mississippi) Camera Project:'
The case is still open in Rock Island County and investigators continue to look for clues. There is a stone in remembrance of Sam at the Quad City Botanical Center and on it is the one of the last things he wrote before his death.
After other instances of crime along the river front, I think this would be a great idea to help deter crime and give police and the community an idea of what does go on along the Mississippi in the Quad Cities.