We all know how important school is. In order to get anywhere anymore you're going to have to go, participate, and complete school. Anymore, collage is a must too (unless you want to be a radio personality! Just kidding.).

According to KWQC, the United Way of the Quad Cities has teamed up with local districts to roll out a new initiative called "Strive for less than 5." The idea is to not miss more than 5 days of school a year.

When I was in school, I hardly ever missed a day. The rule was we had to have a fever of 100 plus in order to stay home from school, or a doctors excuse. I made it to school through rain, snow, ice, and heat. No excuses.

Organizers say it all starts with communication.

The new initiative kicks off today at 8am today with ceremony held at Frances Willard Elementary in Rock Island.

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