Space Monsters Are Invading Bettendorf This Weekend (Prepare For Closures)
It seems like there's generally two opinions on parades. You either love them, or you hate them. If you hate them, then this weekend might be an inconvenience to you. If you LOVE them, then you better be ready!
The City of Bettendorf is hosting their Halloween parade this Saturday, starting at 7 p.m. According to WQAD, the parade will start at the intersection of 23rd Street and Middle Road, then continue onto Spruce Hills Drive, and the theme is Space Monsters.
From Spruce Hills Drive, the line will head to 18th Street, turn left and continue to Middle Road and finish at the entrance of the Life Fitness/Splash Landing parking lot. So if any of those are part of your Saturday routes, you'll need to find another.
Now, if you're feeling extra Halloween-y, Davenport's parade is also happening on Saturday at 2 p.m.