Spring Cleaning In Rock Island
It's a slow news day. I mean we could sit here at tell you all about the shootings in Davenport, Nor'easters in the North-East, and sad things going on around the world, but we will leave that to the news outlets. We however, are all about informing and making you smile. Something that makes most people smile is spring.
According to KWQC, the City of Rock Island wants to help with your "Spring Cleaning." The city is offering free leaf collection for its residential refuse customers from Monday, April 2 through Friday, April 20, 2018.
Customers must use approved leaf bags, and can be set out with your regular garbage collection. The city will also furnish approved bags beginning on Monday, March 26. Customers can pick up the bags at many locations. Get the list of bag pick up locations here (scroll down about half way).