The Ups And Downs of Day-light Saving Time
I hope you remembered to set your clocks ahead over the weekend. Every March we lose a hour of sleep with Daylight Saving Time, but we gain more daylight. It doesn't get dark at 5 pm anymore. The human body needs daylight or sunlight (vitamin B). The Daylight Saving Time change date was moved up about 10 years ago from right before Easter to mid-March.
There are some that think daylight savings time is a waste and it does nothing. I also heard there's a push to eliminate the time change all together. I get why.
Our body's tend to feel sluggish the first few days of the time change. You're 25% more likely to have a heart attack during the first few days. Also, if you commit a crime, the judge is more likely to pass on a harsher penalty during Daylight Saving Time. CNN has a article on some of the myths and truths about Daylight Savings Time if you click here.
And judging by the weather today, Old Man Winter isn't done with us just yet. What are your thoughts on Daylight Saving Time?
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