I'm a procrastinator, I'm messy, I'm easily distracted. These wouldn't normally be considered as positive traits, but it all depends on your perspective. 

Do you have any of these "bad" traits?

According to YourTango, there are 12 traits that may actually be good for us:

1. Procrastination = You work well under pressure.

Putting things off, and off, and off. And then, at the last minute, comes all the stress of meeting that deadline.

But, here's the good thing about procrastinators: They've learned to work this way and do it very well. Yes, there are people who simply do a better job under stress, and you may be one of them.

2. Selfishness = You're great at taking care of yourself.

Being selfish eliminates stress, and means you take better care of yourself — mentally and physically. You know who you are and what you want. Of course, it's not good in extremes, but those individuals are a minority.

3. Sensitivity = You have more empathy toward others.

Being mindful of the sensitivities of others makes you the "diplomat in the room." This trait also means that you're more empathetic than others, and being able to put yourself into someone else's shoes is a valuable skill.

4. Messiness = You're highly creative.

Clutter: some people can't tolerate it; others embrace it. A study from the University of Minnesota, in fact, determined that people who live in clutter are often highly creative. This makes sense, because creativity is a right-brained activity. Left-brained people are the linear organized individuals who can be neat-freaks.

5. Egotism = You're extremely confident.

A healthy ego, even a very strong ego, is often a good thing. It means that you have sense of self-satisfaction, being comfortable in your own skin and feeling quite capable.

6. Shyness = You accomplish a great deal alone.

Shy people are introverted individuals who have difficulty engaging with strangers and with large groups of people. While others may see this as a flaw, shy people are incredibly reflective and are the ones who come up with the great solutions. They like to work alone, accomplish a great deal, and don't need approval and praise from others.

I found this pretty useful...it really helped me change my outlook about a lot of these characteristics. Hopefully, you can find a way to turn these traits into positives, too! Click HERE for the full list.

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