These Illinois Laws Just Went Into Effect, What Do They Mean For You?
Over 200 new laws went into effect in the state of Illinois as of January 1. Many of them are helpful, some of them might not impact your life very much, and a few seem kind of random. ABC 7 shared some of the more interesting laws. Here is a sampling of the most notable ones.
-Animal rights activists will be thrilled to hear African and Asian elephants can no longer be used in circuses or traveling animal acts in IL.
-44th President and Illinois' raised Barack Obama gets his own official holiday, August 4 (his birthday).
-Charter and public schools are now required to have reasonable breastfeeding accommodations for students.
-16 and 17-year-olds are able to sign up to be an organ donor when applying for a State ID or driver's license.
-For those getting a divorce from their spouse, a judge will be deciding who gets custody of the pets if they can't agree, much like how child custody proceedings go.
-Transgender individuals can now change the sex listed on their birth certificate without having gender reassignment surgery.
-Prices for standard services like haircuts are now required to be posted at establishments, as women often end up paying more for men.
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