I have been a blond my whole life. As I got older it changed naturally. When I was 19 I was in a tragic grill accident that burnt off the ends of my flowing blond locks. I'm still blond.....sorta. It's more gray than blond. My younger sister, who is also a blond, hated blond jokes. My favorite was: What did the blond say when she flipped the light switch? Yes it does. No It doesn't. The "dumb blonde" stereotype has been around forever, and it still gets used today . . . mainly because it's the only stereotype left that won't get you sued or fired. And now it's gone. A new study out of Stanford University has found that blondes AREN'T actually dumber than anyone else.The researchers found that hair color is determined by just one single letter in your genetic code and it's not connected to ANY other traits. They also found that there's no genetic connection between hair color and eye color . . . so blonde hair and blue eyes aren't actually linked to each other.

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