I need a nap. Between working for the radio station and stocking wine everyday and the non-stop weekends it seems like I can never get any rest. So when I do get some rest it has to be perfect. I have to have my room pitch black, my fan on, and my special pillow that i have to have under my arm and chin. it also has to be quiet. Just the white noise of my fan. Today on Facebook we asked listeners to tell us what's the one thing you need for a good nights rest or a good nap. Here's what you had to say:

  • a stuffed animal
  • One foot hanging out
  • My headphones and music
  • my dog on the right side of my bed. Has to be on the right side or I can't sleep. Really weird! Lol
  • The hello kitty blanket my husband bought me on our 3rd date

By the way, a fan was the number 1 answer. Science keeps telling us we need more sleep than we're getting.  Even people who get eight hours a night will feel better if they get ten.  But if you can't do THAT, just take naps.  Here's a guide to getting the ideal nap for your specific needs.

1.  If you just need to be more alert and focused, a 10 to 20-minute nap gives you a boost in alertness for two hours or more.

2.  If your brain isn't working and you can't think straight, a one hour nap gives you more focus and also improves memory and learning.

3.  If you need a complete reset, a 90-minute nap puts you through a full sleep cycle, which gives benefits in alertness, memory, learning, creativity, and performance.

4.  If you're not sure WHAT you need, a 10-minute nap should be the default.  It was better than five minutes, 20 minutes, or 30 minutes in a recent study.

5.  If you don't even have enough time for a nap, ANYTHING helps, even just resting your eyes for a minute.  One study found that even just THINKING about taking a nap reduces your blood pressure.

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