Kevin Walker Townsquare Media
Kevin Walker Townsquare Media

Yesterday Katie and I went to court to finalize Kamdyn's adoption. It was a day we had talked about since she was born. The process is quite involved with several steps along the way. All Kamdyn knew yesterday was that she was making faces with a friendly guy in a robe. The Judge talked to her and made the whole process easy for Katie and I.

The courthouse doesn't allow cellphones or cameras so I don't have any pictures but later in the day Kamdyn and I went out to the grassy area at our apartment and ran around for a while. All I could think about was how much responsibility it is to raise a child but also how exciting it is and how much I love this little girl. My other daughter Kaitlyn is 15 and I never thought I could love someone as much as I love her. Turns out I can. And the best part? Kamdyn and her sister are best buddies. It really has been the perfect story for me and my family.

Kevin Walker Townsquare Media
Kevin Walker Townsquare Media

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