A common criticism of millennials is that they are lazy. This isn't going to help that perception.

Almost 40% of millennials say that they avoid eating cereal for breakfast because it's too "inconvenient," preferring a smoothie or breakfast bars instead. Yes, really.

The Washington Post pretty much says it perfectly:

Few things are as painless to prepare as cereal. Making it requires little more than pouring something (a cereal of your choice) into a bowl and then pouring something else (a milk of your choice) into the same bowl. Eating it requires little more than a spoon and your mouth.

But, it turns out the main reason for this so-called "inconvenience" is because you have to use a bowl...and then clean it afterwards.

It's stuff like this that makes me hate being considered a millennial. Cereal is not inconvenient, it's not complicated. It's easy and delicious. So stop being a tool and eat some Cocoa Puffs, nerds. :-)

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