I recently read the story of a 12 year old boy who wrote every NFL team explaining that he was without loyalty to any franchise, lived in a state with no NFL team, and was looking for the reason he should pick their team. One, only ONE team responded.

Fan mail matters. That team now has a loyal fan, and patron for the next 70 years or so. With competition and refinancing, most people aren't even customers of banks for half of that.

We rave with how easy it is to reach out to people via social media, and the convenient way someone can immediately respond via Twitter, but are we undervaluing the power of written word in 2015?

Wrote a short letter of my own recently to Meghan Trainor last year congratulating her on the success of "All About That Bass." She doesn't know me, knows nothing about my work in the "industry." However, she valued that letter enough to reply with a picture and a quick, personally written note. BAM! From now on, she has one more person that will be a fan for life.

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