#AllMyMovies You read that right. As part of Shia's next art project, he is watching all his his movies in reverse chronological order for the next three days, and you could totally join him.

Starting on November 10th at noon, #AllMyMovies by LeBeouf, Rönkkö, and Turner will be presented at the Angelika Film Center, 18 West Houston Street in NYC. If you'd like to join him, the movies are running consecutively 24 hours a day and admission is free.

If you're stuck at home like we are, you can stream a live view of Shia's face as he watches his movies. The website appears to be down for now, but we can't wait until it's back up.

I for one would love to see him rap along with his younger self to the song in Holes. You can't get much better nostalgia than that.

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