Zoom May Be More Dangerous Than We Thought
Many of us are stuck at home, and have to work from home. Online classes have also begun for many students. “Zoom” is a popular platform where multiple people can join in for a call that also allows you to video share. It’s like a giant face time.
Zoom has become very popular. The company said 200 million people have been the app on a daily basis in March, But that newfound popularity is bringing new scrutiny, as more people join.
It first started as an internet meme, kids in their Zoom classes would send their friends or “social influencers” their Zoom code, which is sometimes needed to enter a Zoom meeting, and then that random person would join the class and cause a huge scene. Annoying and immature, yes, but over all harmless in the grand scheme of things.
NPR is now reporting that this has already gone too far and is actually very dangerous. Many hate groups and others are now joining these calls to spread hate, racism, pornographic images, and more, to cause problems.
The FBI is warning schools, in particular, to be careful. This new form of attack is called "Zoombombing."
Another thing to be noted is that, the website "Motherboard" found that Zoom was sharing data with Facebook, even data on people who are not on Facebook. Zoom was quick to respond. They Stated that this was a mistake and that it stopped sharing that data, but it's now facing a class action lawsuit.
The CEO of Zoom, Eric Yuan, said in a blog post that the company is freezing work on new features to focus on fixing its privacy and security problems. Lets hope this issue gets fixed soon.

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