What's trending? What's happening in the QC? We've got you covered with today's 5 things to know.

1. Irish singer-songwriter Sinead O'Connor claims comedian Arsenio Hall supplied Prince with drugs for years.  Read more HERE.

2. 50 Cent has apologized to Andrew Ferrell, the autistic Cincinnati airport worker, who he claimed was high in an Instagram video earlier this week.  TMZ reports the rapper has taken things a step further and donated $100,000 to Autism Speaks.

3. We'll see highs in the low 80s today under mostly clear skies.  Tomorrow we'll be in the low 70s with a decent chance of showers in the evening.  Read more from WQAD.

4. A dog that had been shot and suspended from an Illinois bridge has received over $21k in donations for his recovery.  Read more from WQAD.

5. Still looking for that perfect gift or place to take your Mom for Mother's Day?  We've got you covered with the Best Brunch Spots in the QC and the Best DIY Mother's Day Gifts.

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