A Member Of The Denver Broncos Sent A Small Gift To North Scott Junior High And It Was The Sweetest Thing
We got some scary news out of Eldrige this week, as it was announced that North Scott Junior High was put on lockdown after a student took out a loaded gun during class. It was a terrifying moment for everyone involved, but luckily they've found support from all over.
That includes Denver, where the Broncos' long snapper Casey Kreiter heard about what happened. Kreiter himself is from DeWitt, and both his uncle and his grandmother have been employed by the school. So, in an effort to help the school feel a bit of comfort and come together once more, Kreiter sent coffee and donuts to the school's staff on Tuesday.
It's a small gesture, but in a situation like this, it can go a long way. I have so much respect for Kreiter; he didn't have to take the time or make the effort to do anything. He could've just tweeted out or texted his family. But he made a point to actually do something.
I may be from Chicago, but I'm a fan of this Bronco for sure.