Almost Half Of Quad Citizens Won’t Hand Out Candy On Halloween

COVID-19 is the biggest buzz kill and fun killer of our lives. It was ruined a lot of things from sports, to events, concerts, holidays, people's businesses, and so much more. Even though there are a lot of Quad City area TRick-Or-Treat times that have been released, a survey shows that almost half of Quad Citizens and Americans won't hand out candy this year.
Halloween 2020 is right around the corner and many kids are looking forward to dressing up and collecting candy. In a year that's been frightening and weird, people want to make America's spookiest night of the year as "normal" as possible.
When we think of a "normal Halloween" you think of Halloween parties, kids Trick-or-Treating, costume parties and more. Because of COVID-19, many traditional Halloween gatherings and passing out candy isn't going to follow tradition this year.
Apartment Guide wanted to figure out how badly COVID-19 is going to impact Halloween 2020. To do so, they used Google Surveys to analyze data from over 3,000 respondents to find out how COVID-19 is impacting Halloween plans this fall. The survey ran in August 2020.
What did they find in their survey? Apartment Guide found that 46% of Americans won't open their doors this year to hand out candy.
While only 46% of Americans won't be passing out candy to Trick-or-Treaters, 30% of people said they will handing out candy, and 24% will leave a candy bowl outside of the house.
What age groups do you think plans to hand out the most candy? Even though doctors believe older people are more susceptible to contract COVID-19, those that are 55-64 years old plan to pass out the most candy.
19% of people aged 35-44 will pass out candy, 18% of people aged 25-35 said they would hand out candy, 17% of 45-54 year olds will be giving out sweets this year, 65+ aged people will have only 14% of that age group handing out candy, and only 11% of people between the ages of 18-24 will hand out candy.
Apartment Guide does have fun alternative Halloween activities for you and the family. You cans see and learn more by clicking here.
For all things Halloween in the Quad Cities, click the photo below for our Halloween 2020 survival guide!
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