Last night on the Bachelor Ben and the ladies went to Mexico and Ben announced that Mexico is a great place to fall in love. Didn't he say the same thing last week about Las Vegas? Anywhere is a great place to fall in love if you have a dozen beautiful interesting women right?

Viva La Mexico really isn't a thing right? A few more of my observations from last night.

Emily isn't holding anything back now that her twin Haley is gone.

Olivia might really be nuts.. She thinks she and Ben have their own "love language" because sometimes he touches her leg when they're talking. Is that really how love works? She also shamed Amanda when she went on a one on one date with Ben because Amanda has kids and Olivia is sure that's not what Ben wants. Ben on the other hand seemed to be really into Amanda.

The rest of the ladies were starting to get uncomfortable with Jubilee as she was being crabby that Ben was dating other girls. She must not realize she's not the only girl on the show. It is called the Bachelor not the I'm Only Dating One Girl Show.

This made the group date particularly awkward, as Jubilee, Becca, JoJo, Caila, Emily, Lauren B., Jennifer, Leah and Olivia were tasked with taking Spanish lessons with Ben in which they one by one stood up in front of the group and held hands with Ben as he said things like "I love you" and "I want to marry you"in Spanish to each and every one of them, because, you know, romance. All in all at least Jubilee went home and as the ending showed we can only hope that Olivia gets the boot next week. Or does she?

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