Behold…The Taco Cleanse!
"New Year, New Me."
You've probably already seen about 10,000 of those statuses pop up on your newsfeed, and we're less than a week into 2016.
But THIS is a change I can get behind.
There's a new diet trend that shatters the disappointment of ditching your favorite foods. Wes Allison, Stephanie Bogdanich, Molly R. Frisinger and Jessica Morris have created The Taco Cleanse, which doesn't sound like a diet at all--and isn't that the best kind?
They developed the book after eating tacos for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 days straight—and are encouraging others to do the same. [People]
Who needs #TacoTuesday when you can have #TacosEveryDay??
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