'America's Got Talent' is a show that I will sporadically tune into during the summer months. It's proven to be a hit for NBC and any show with Simon Cowell as a judge is still a good one in my book. The acts that appear on AGT vary from singers and acrobats to comedians and animal trainers. You see it all. A Cedar Rapids native got the judges approval during a recent episode with a very unusual performance.

Former Cedar Rapidian Andy Rowell stepped out on the AGT stage and announced that he would be doing some karaoke. Needless to say, Simon Cowell was NOT impressed. He's hard on real singers much less anyone singing a karaoke version of a song. But when Rowell revealed his song choice only had three spoken words, everyone seemed to appreciate the joke.

As you could see in the video, audience members were up and dancing. Even host Terry Crews busted out his Pee-Wee Herman dance! All four judges gave Rowell a 'yes' vote and sent him off to the next round.

How many more karaoke jokes will Rowell be able to pull off? 'Amerca's Got Talent' airs on Tuesday nights on NBC.


[via Gazette]

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