Cinemark Theater in Davenport Re-Opens August 14th
Cinemark Theaters have been closed nearly 6 months, but they're finally ready to re-open for us to enjoy some movies.
According to Cinemark's website, our location in Davenport will be open again on August 14th.
A message from the company's CEO highlights what going to a movie will look like in a pandemic.
- Sanitized Every 30 Minutes- Concession stands, kitchens, restaurants and bars, as well as restrooms and other high-touch areas
- Auditoriums Disinfected Every Morning
- Seats Sanitized Before Every Movie
- Plenty of Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes
- A New Approach to Air Quality- The "fresh air rate" from the building's HVAC system has been increased, as well as using new HEPA filters. Air circulation has been improved, where air comes from the ceiling to the floor where it's then returned to the filtration system.
What YOU Have To Do, and What You Should Know:
- Masks Are Required- They're asking for all guests to wear masks, which can be removed to eat once you've found your seat.
- Reduced Seating- When you purchase tickets, the seats around your party are automatically blocked out by the system, so be sure to buy your tickets online in advance.
- Contactless Ticketing- You no longer have to have a paperticket in addition to the digital ticket you get when you buy in-app. They highly encourage this, however they still will have paper tickets available, and you won't be giving ticket stubs to employees.
- Be Patient- A lot of companies have been able to work the bugs out of their new processes, but Cinemark hasn't been able to fix the little problems.
- Don't Come If You're Sick- Simple concept, hopefully followed.
- Concession Stands Are Cash Free Areas- Cinemark asks you use a debit or credit card, and will also be accepting Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. They're preferring it be completely contactless.
- NO REFILLS- Temporary suspensions of the refill programs are in place, but you can buy a second bucket of popcorn for a discounted price.
Read more at Cinemark

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