Davenport’s New Red, White and Bags Tournament Now Accepting Teams
Nothing says celebrating America's birthday like cold beer, a hot dog or burger, and a good ol' fashion bags tournament. For those who don't know what bags are, it's the normal way of saying cornhole. The City of Davenport is adding a new bags tournament this year as a part of Red, White and Boom! and the city is now accepting teams to participate.

On Tuesday, the City of Davenport announced on social media that they are adding a new tournament to the Red, White and Boom! festivities. This year, the city will be hosting Red, White and Bags, a cornhole tournament that will take place at Quinlan Court (330 Brady St.) in downtown Davenport.
The Red, White and Bags tournament will begin at 11 a.m. at Quinlan Court on Sunday, July 3rd. The tournament is expected to last until 8 p.m.
According to the registration page for Red, White and Bags, the tournament is open to teams of two adults who must be 18 years of age or older. Those who register will compete in a double-elimination cornhole tournament during the Red, White and Boom! festivities. Games will be best 2 out of 3 to a score of 21.
City officials say that team match times will be determined after the registration deadline passes on June 19th. Each team will also receive a t-shirt and the winners of the Red, White and Bags tournament will receive a trophy.
Proceeds for the Red, White and Bags tournament will go towards establishing a Davenport Parks & Recreation scholarship program.
The bags tournament is during the Red, White and Boom! festivities taking place on Sunday, July 3. Fireworks to celebrate America's 246th birthday in the Quad Cities will happen that night at 9:30 p.m. between Davenport and Rock Island. Fireworks will be shot off of two barges on the Mississippi River and can be seen from Davenport's LeClaire Park and Rock Island's Schwiebert Riverfront Park.
Registration for the Red, White and Bags tournament at Quinlan Court on Sunday, July 3rd, is now open. The link to register your team can be found here. Officials say only the team captain needs to register your team. The fee is $25.
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