One piece of advice if you plan on being a caucus goer next week you should plan on being early. If someone is late to the caucus they can still be seated but it has to be voted on by the caucus group that is already in attendance.

If you have a friend that shows up late, here's how you can get them into the caucus. Reddit user Ann Archist who ran a caucus site in 2012 has this advice on how to get your late friend into a caucus.

First - Speak up - Say "I motion they be seated as members of the delegation"

Someone has to yell "Seconded" (if no one does, then the motion fails before the vote)

It is then voted on by the group.

Then they can be seated if the majority of the caucusgoers vote "AYE"

The key here is to be less than 5 minutes late.  We sat some people who were a little bit late in 2012 at our caucus. Some people do get lost so try to be understanding.

If you don't know Roberts Rules, try to learn it if you have any interest in actually understanding how the whole thing works on either side.

Also- if your chair gets pissed- and they might, you better be prepared to cite Roberts Rules here. Not all chairs will know Roberts rules, so you can bullshit them if you know the gist.... and if they don't know they won't know how to argue against them either. Though they might try to act like its a dictatorship - its not. At the beginning of the caucus you should vote on who chairs it. . . usually its just who did it last time, unless they die or move. Its a thankless job. No one wants it unless they are just a political geek.

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