When I saw this I was pretty sure I was being punked, nope, heres the deal, monster tornados have ravished 'tornado alley' for years, so finally; it's time to make it stop!  The plan is to start building several giants walls. The walls would measure about 1,000 feet high and 150 feet wide.. They did it in China with mountains, so the plan is similar here, the walls would stop the flow of air from the north and south, preventing tornadoes from forming. Meteorologist and professional storm chaser, Tony Laubach was skeptical about the logistics of this idea. “Scientifically what he’s proposing, I don’t think is going to have an effect on a big enough scale to mitigate tornado dangers". “I understand the theory behind trying to block air masses, but you can’t physically really do that with manmade structures,” he said. That sounds pretty science-ey to me.  The price tag btw,  $60 billion per 100 miles. I'm no mathematician or scientist, but that seems like a counter-productive project.. but then again my home has never been ravaged by a tornado.

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