How to Get a Free Bag of Snickers Candy For Halloween
Free candy!
So if you remember a while back, there was a movement online to officially change the date of Halloween. It was a change.org petition and the goal was to make Halloween the last Saturday of October. And right away Snickers candy hopped on board with a really big promise.
Here's their promise according to USAToday -
Snickers supported the Halloween & Costume Association’s Change.org petition to move Halloween to the last Saturday of October by pledging 1 million free fun size bars if the federal government officially declared a Saturday Halloween.
So the petition didn't end up being successful. However, Snickers is still delivering. So how do you get your free candy still? USAToday details -
Go to OneMillionSnickers.com to sign up for a gift card good for one bag of Snickers Fun Size bars worth $3.90, available through Oct. 31 or while supplies last. Giveaway times will vary.
So here's to giving the trick or treaters Snickers this year.
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