I-74 Traffic Changes Start Today
If you use the I-74 bridge or drive in downtown Moline and Bettendorf you will want keep an eye out for the following projects which will impact your driving according to the I-74 River Bridge post.
• Nighttime lane closures on I-74: Starting today (Mar. 11) there will be intermittent nighttime lane closures on Iowa-bound and Illinois-bound I-74 south of 7th Avenue in Moline between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. to allow contractors to install overhead signs. All on- and off-ramps will remain open. Drivers should watch for changing traffic patterns. The work is anticipated to be completed in about two weeks.
• 21st Street to be closed: Beginning today (Mar. 11), weather permitting, 21st Street in Moline will be closed between 5th and 6th avenues to allow contractors to construct a retaining wall and reconstruct 21st Street. The street will remain closed through the duration of the I-74 construction project.
• Southbound 19th Street reduced to one lane: Beginning today (Mar. 11), weather permitting, southbound 19th Street in Moline will be reduced to one lane from 11th Avenue to Avenue of the Cities to allow contractors to construct a noise wall. The work will be completed in about three weeks.
• Calvert Drive to be permanently closed: Beginning today, weather permitting, Calvert Drive between 14th Street and Kimberly Road in Bettendorf will be permanently closed to accommodate a new configuration of the I-74 interchange in Bettendorf.
• New traffic configuration on Iowa-bound I-74 Exit 4:Beginning today, weather permitting, there will be a new traffic configuration on the Iowa-bound I-74 Exit 4 (Grant Street/U.S. 67). The off-ramp will be temporarily closed at night between Monday and Tuesday to allow the contractors to restripe the ramp. Drivers should drive with caution and watch for changing traffic patterns.
• Beginning today(Mar.11) in Davenport, the two eastbound lanes of E. Locust Street between Esplanade and Mississippi avenues will be closed for water/sewer repairs. Traffic will be routed head-to-head in the westbound lanes. Work is estimated to be complete on or by Friday.
With great change come some temporary frustrations. Take some deep breaths and drive without anger.
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