Iowa, If You See A Bright Yellow Stripe In Your Yard Run Away
It's that time of year when you might unfortunately find small, bright yellow lines in your yard. No, it's not because of fake caution tape from Halloween decorations or because a utility company is doing work near your house, these little yellow lines can be much more dangerous.
Your curiosity might make you want to take a closer look. But for your safety, if you see these little yellow lines slithering across your yard, you'll want to run away immediately.
Weirdly enough, these little yellow lines also could have a different smell to them. If you're smelling cucumbers, you definitely need to get out of there because that yellow tail isn't happy.
Baby Copperheads Have A Bright Tail
Copperheads are a poisonous snake that is native to Iowa. The Iowa DNR says that copperhead snakes are one of 4 venomous snakes in the state. They range from 24 to 26 inches long. Adult snakes are active during the day in the spring and fall and become nocturnal during the hot summer months.
Before copperheads become mature snakes, adult copperheads mate in Iowa typically in the springtime when they are active.
In the fall months, mother copperhead snakes give birth to up to 14 baby copperheads. Typically, mothers give birth between August and September which means those baby copperheads still could be holding onto that bright yellow tail. Baby copperhead snakes have something unique that helps you know where they are: a bright yellow tail.
That angry baby copperhead has that yellow-tipped tail as you can see above. Imagine seeing that slithering in your yard. If you do spot that bright yellow tail, run away because you have a venomous snake problem.
Copperhead Snakes Are Pretty Rare In Iowa
Copperheads are technically native to the state of Iowa but are amongst the rarest snakes in the state.
Copperhead snakes are typically only found in southeast Iowa, according to Iowaherps.com. Only four counties in the area have reported copperhead snakes including Davis, Van Buren, Lee, and Des Moines.
Bodies of water like the Mississippi River, lakes, and ponds are great spots for copperhead snakes.
Looking At Fall Foliage? Look For Those Bright Yellow Tails
With fall foliage in full swing, many people are out in parks and on trails to take in the beautiful changing of the colors.
If you plan to do any hiking or exploring in these wooded areas in southeastern Iowa or parts of Illinois to get a closer look at the fall foliage, make sure you're aware that baby copperhead snakes and their parents could be lurking.
While you're out hiking and looking at nature's beauty, keep yourself protected from a possible run-in with copperhead snakes by wearing good shoes, pants, and other protective wear.
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