Iowa Govenor Issues State of Public Health Disaster Emergency
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds issued a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency on Tuesday (March 17th) activating the public health response and recovery aspects of the State Disaster Emergency Plan. This will go into effect at noon today (Tuesday, March 17th).
Today (March 17th), Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa announced that the state of Iowa will go into a state of Public Health Disaster Emergency beginning today at noon.
This means that bars and other facilities like gyms, theaters and casinos will close. Restaurants will be able to provide food through drive-through, carry-out and delivery only.
All events or gatherings with 10 or more people are also prohibited/cancelled.
This issue will go into effect today, March 16, 2020 shall continue for 30 days and expire on April 16, 2020, at 11:59 p.m.
The statement reads as follows:
"It takes significant steps to require social distancing and limit community spread of the virus by implementing temporary measures including moving restaurants to drive-through, carry-out, and delivery only and closures of certain entities such as bars and recreational facilities. The proclamation also allows state agencies additional flexibility in responding to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation, and supports the critical work of public health.
“These are unprecedented times and the state of Iowa will do whatever is necessary to address this public health disaster. I have authorized all available state resources, supplies, equipment and materials to combat the spread of COVID-19,” said Gov. Reynolds. “The actions taken today are necessary to protect the health and safety of all Iowans and are critical to mitigating the spread of the virus.”

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