People do some pretty dumb things to avoid embarrassment.

We've all been there, but maybe not this much, 'there.'

You know how it is. You know you're going to be embarrassed, so you try to do something to avoid the embarrassment, but if you get caught, it's even more embarrassing than the thing you were originally embarrassed about.

As if men need more reasons to be criticized about 'pride and ego,' this fella didn't do the male species any favors.

What happens when you shoot yourself in the leg and call police for help?  Apparently, you LIE and tell them there was a drive-by shooting and that's how you got your injury.  (Kinda like the guy who was afraid to tell me he had a weird, third nipple and told me the scar was stab wound. We'll save that story for another time.)

According to,


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