Is Your New Year Resolution Still Going? Maybe Detox Can Help.
Three weeks is the average time a New Year resolution lasts. How you doin'?
The dreaded 'resolution' can become non-existent pretty quickly after the newness of the new year wears off. It's human nature and has happened to the best of us. Maybe you're not seeing the results you thought you would by now. Maybe you can't bring yourself to choke down one more salad. I've definitely been there, myself. I do like to juice many of my veggies and fruits. I've even been dabbling in this celery juice craze everyone is excited about on social media.
I talk about things like this every other Wednesday on WHBF - Channel 4's lifestyle show, Living Local.
Detox is a common buzz word and most of us don't quite understand exactly what it is, what it does and how it actually works in our bodies.
I came upon an event going on this week that's all about detox, one of my favorite topics. Detox is something that naturally occurs in your body and if that process is gunked up (think of a clogged sink drain), it slows the actually detoxification down and creates a more sluggish environment, making it harder for your body to keep up.
It's as simple as changing out the oil in your vehicle's engine or flushing the fluids in your radiator and transmission each winter. Our bodies work similarly.
The event is called: Detox Talk and is presented by Nick Schippel..
It's this Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 12pm and 6:30pm at Tri Med Health & Wellness (3400 Dexter Court, Bldg 1. Ste 105) Davenport, IA. 52807
You can get more info or RSVP 563-823-5555 or at Tri Med on Facebook.
I love it when I see events like this in the Quad Cities. I think it's important to really take charge of our health and do the very best we can, giving our bodies the best chance so we can live our best life.