Pandemic Forces Two More Quad City Drinkeries to Close for Good
It's so hard to see local businesses close under any circumstances, but especially as a result of the pandemic. Here are two more businesses in the Quad Cities who recently announced they're closing for good.
Bleyart's Tap, 2218 E. 11th St. Davenport announced via Facebook, they'll be closing in March/April of 2021.
After 76 years, Bleyarts has become more than just a bar and our patrons have become more than just friends. We will miss you.We will remain open for the next 6-8 weeks, so join us to recall the good times, share in laughter and raise a cold one to a legacy.
It’s heartbreaking to announce that we will be permanently closing Element.
Like many other businesses, 2020 has been...
Posted by Element Tea & Wine Lounge on Saturday, February 6, 2021
Both of these closings sting my soul. You can't be a Quad Citian unless you've been to Bleyart's for a beer. Element was a new place I discovered and often met friends there for dessert, apps and a glass of wine. I'll miss both places.
Element will be selling their beautifully decorated furniture and accent pieces. You can contact them by phone for more details.

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