Yet another reason to love Target. As part of National Baby Safety Month, the retailer's car seat trade in program is back starting September 10. US Magazine reports that moms (or dads!) can take their old car seats to Target and drop them in a recycling bin. After doing so, parents will receive a coupon for 20 percent off a new car seat, booster seat, travel system, or car seat base.

The old car seats do not have to be in good shape, as they're not going to be reused, so feel free to bring your beaten up, yogurt-stained, car seat from 2005. The store's mission with the trade in program is simply to cut down on waste. This is the perfect way to unload a hand-me-down car seat and score a new one at a cheaper price.

I double checked and the Davenport Target is offering the program starting September 10 through the 23rd. You just have to make sure to use your 20 percent off coupon before October 7. The Moline Target is unfortunately not participating in the program, but QC parents on that side of the river can still make the trek to Davenport if they're interested.

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