Wait, what? Already? It's not even Halloween.

It looks like,  no matter what, Christmas is definitely coming to the QC. In fact, it will be here tomorrow. At least, at the iWireless Center, downtown Moline.

I couldn't believe it. It looks like I'm losing my stance (quickly) on the soap box of 'It isn't right to have Christmas before we have Halloween." Oh, I know you're with me on it. But like a jet airliner making a water landing, (don't ask me where I came up with that one, just roll with me on it) you don't try to stop it. You just move on out of the way. No more fussing. No more fighting it, I guess. I now have to move on to the final phase of acceptance with this.

The iWireless is putting up the 40 foot monstrosity tomorrow, October 11, 2016. According to WQAD.com, they'll add about 30,000 lights (think Clark Griswold) to the tree and get it all ready for the annual Lighting on the Commons at John Deere Commons, Saturday, November 19th.

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