Son Raises Money For QC Mom’s Funeral
His mom was found dead in her Davenport home Saturday. Now her oldest son, Davyn Barksdale, started a Facebook fundraiser page to help pay for her funeral costs.
Tiffany Klemme died Saturday morning. According to OurQuadCities.com, her cause of death is not known. Her husband, Casey Klemme, was arrested Friday night on domestic abuse charges.
Barksdale wanted people to remember the positive moments of his mom’s life. Here's a quote from the Local 4 News story.
“Whatever beautiful memories you have of my mom, whatever cherish moments, I want people to cling on to those,” he said. “You know, it’s what she would’ve wanted.”
Barksdale started the Facebook fundraiser page because he knew his family needed this help. The goal of the Beautiful Memory of Tiffany Klemme Facebook fundraiser page is to raise $1,000. So far he has raised over $1,100.
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