Splash Landing Could Be Leaving Bettendorf
In these hot summer months – however long they took to get here – having somewhere to go to cool off is essential. For many Quad Citizens, that place is Splash Landing in Bettendorf. But, that may be a thing of the past soon, as could the Life Fitness Center and the Herbert Goettsch Community Center.
According to the Quad-City Times, each one is at least half a century old and "soon will need about $3 million in updates simply to maintain them as they exist today." Perhaps it's stating the obvious, but that's not a small amount of money.
So, for the past year or so, the city has been trying to figure out what to do. Some have recommended a new, bigger outdoor pool. Some have said that a new fitness/community center should be added in addition to an outdoor pool.
Now, it's up to Bettendorf residents to decide what they want, by responding to a survey sent out by the city. You can see all three possibilities here.
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