Davenport, Stop Flushing The Wrong CrapDavenport, Stop Flushing The Wrong CrapToss, don't flush wipes.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Illinois Man Throws Toilet Through Board Of Education WindowIllinois Man Throws Toilet Through Board Of Education WindowA toilet was thrown through a Board of Education building window by a man in Illinois.Double TDouble T
This Gross Habit Could Be Making Quad Citians SickThis Gross Habit Could Be Making Quad Citians SickMost of us take our phones everywhere, so it's no secret that 75% of Quad Citians have admitted to using the phone while going to the bathroom. While it might see like a genius way of multi-tasking, this habit could actually make you sick...TamiTami
This Is the Dumbest Thing You Can Do When Flushing the ToiletThis Is the Dumbest Thing You Can Do When Flushing the ToiletFlushing a toilet is not hard. Is it?Staff WriterStaff Writer