Texas Sized Friendliness in the Quad Cities
People are really friendly in Texas. It's commonplace to be chatted up by your checker at the grocery store. Have the cashier at the gas station wish you a blessed day. Even exchange pleasantries with your apartment neighbors. Moving to Iowa I was afraid I was losing that. Not that Midwesterners aren't friendly, they are. Especially compared to those folks residing on the coasts, but in my Midwest living experiences it's a very reserved friendliness.
That really hasn't been the case in the Quad Cities. The front desk folks at The Best Western Plus Steeplegate Inn telling me how much they love living in the Quad Cities. The Taco Bell employee who was so excited to have Kathy and I try a blue raspberry mixed with orange freeze she gave us one free. The many Cubs fans who see me wearing my jacket and want to talk about new Cubs pitcher Yu Darvish. The Walmart employees delivering groceries to my car that want to chat me up about everything from the weather to what brings me to the Quad Cities. And my latest experience with friendliness in the Quad Cities: The couple at Olive Garden at North Park Mall who gave me a five dollar coupon to use on my take out order.
I happened to be sitting at the bar waiting for my order when a couple walked in. I heard a couple at a table behind me offer to let the new couple join them. I was just sitting there at the bar, a perfectly good empty seat next to mine. So I jumped up and offered the couple my seat and the empty one next to mine. It wasn't a big deal, I was only going to be there a couple of minutes and then be on my way. They sat down, ordered some wine and then woman pulled out a coupon good for five dollars off my to-go order and asked if I could use it for my order. You bet I did.
That's Texas sized friendliness there. Something I haven't experienced in the other Midwestern towns I've lived in. Way to go Quad Cities! I'm feeling more at home here every day.
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