We've all eaten something while we're driving at some point. But what are the rules in Iowa?

I don't know about you but at some point I have tried to smush french fry holders, maybe chicken nugget containers into one of my cupholders. I've left my cheeseburgers partly folded back in an accessible spot that are easy to reach while I'm behind the wheel.

Even though every fitness trainer I've ever had has advised to not eat while I'm driving for sake of health and appetite, sometimes I'm in a hurry and want carbs. Sorry y'all.


Is There A Law In Iowa Against Eating While You're Driving?

Let's start with the basics: does Iowa have anything to say specifically about eating while you're driving? No. There isn't a law prohibiting you from slamming your McDonald's Egg McMuffin on your way into work.


It can get subjective here. Of course, Iowa has a distracted driving law. If anything gets in the way of your ability to drive, that's where there's an issue. According to Trusted Choice, the fines range on what issue you not paying attention created and can be $500 if you injure someone. Not to mention your car insurance payment goes up.

I'm Hungry Though. What Can I Eat In The Car?

I love a four-course meal as much as the next walking garbage disposal but you have to keep it simple in the car. Don't think you can eat something as a challenge when logistically, because you're operating a machine that's thousands of pounds, you cannot.

Good: Burger & Fries


A staple. Hold the burger in one hand, drive with the other. Be careful though, you'll have a real mess if the burger is drippy. Fries in the cupholder or you can get some fancy cup fry-holders on Amazon (#Merica).

Bad: Tacos


Listen I love tacos as much as the next person but think about the issue you always run into eating tacos. Stuff falls out. The meat, the veggies, the sauce, whatever, it always falls out of the other end of the taco. If that falls in your lap while you're driving, you can't clean it up and watch the road at the same time.

Good: Chicken Nuggies


Nasdaq included chicken nuggets as one of the most low-risk foods you can eat on the road. However, don't get the dipping sauce. That's where you'll have a mess. And just make sure you sit the box in a place in the car that's easy for you to reach.

Bad: Salad Or Anything That Requires A Fork


Don't start in on the "pffft I'm a good enough driver, I can eat with a fork while I'm driving". It's just dangerous and not to mention more of a hassle for you. Save the salads, noodles, pasta, steaks, etc. for dinner.

Good: Doughnut


For the same reason as a hamburger is easy to eat while you're driving, doughnuts make a good in-car snack. Just don't get the jelly-filled ones.

Bad: Crumbly Breakfast Breads


You know how Nature Valley granola bars create the biggest pile of crumbs known to man? You don't want that in your lap while you're driving and even though breakfast muffins are delightful, that's exactly what you might get. Either save the muffin to nosh on once you get to where you're going or grab a breakfast sammie instead.

Also, as a general reminder, make sure that lid is on your coffee too. You don't want either really hot or iced coffee all over your lap.

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