World Cancer Day
Thousands have come together to raise awareness for World Cancer day. Many are sharing their story online, and talking about their experience dealing with cancer. Others are sharing ways you can donate.
It's always nice to see people come together to talk and spread love. You can truly see the stories and compassion put behind each tweet or hashtag used. Here are some of the tweets going viral today.
Showing love and support to those dealing with cancer can truly help, even if you can't donate, showing your support with the hashtag also helps. Some people are even asking just for kind messages.
With a world full of hate, it is beautiful to see all the love that is being shown around the world even this early in the day. At the time of writing this the hashtag #WorldCanerDay is trending worldwide.
If you have a family member, or know someone fighting cancer, don't forget to send them some extra love today in honor of the 20th anniversary world cancer day. Or if you are on social media don't forget to send love to even strangers. Your words can truly go a long way.
After 20 years of spreading the word, it seems as though this campaign just keeps getting bigger and bigger.