Yes, Fish Can Catch Fly Balls In The Quad Cities
One of the very first things I was told when I moved to the Quad Cities is that most people are either Cubs or Cardinals fans. But the one team most everyone can agree on is the River Bandits.
Since moving here, I've been to roughly three River Bandits games. Each time, I've wondered the same thing; how many balls are now at the bottom of the Mississippi? It's right behind the stadium, it has to eat some up right?
After some investigative work – also known as asking the experts, because treading water in the river seemed like poor decision-making – I've learned that this does indeed happen!
It's not a regular occurrence though. According to the River Bandits GM, Andrew Chesser, "It has to be a blast" to get all the way to the water. So far, it's only happened once this season, and that one came on a bounce.
Still, it's nice to know that in the Quad Cities, even the fish can get in on the baseball action.
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