You Can Watch The Original Grinch Tonight
When it comes to Christmas movies, are you a fan of the modern stuff or the classics? There's winners in both categories; Elf is a modern classic, but it's also not Christmas without a 24-hour marathon of A Christmas Story.
For me, the go-to is always Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Personally, I'm a fan of the Jim Carrey version – it takes too much heat! It's goofy and fun and has provided us with some quality memes over the years.
But, if you're a fan of the classic version, you might want to set your DVR for tonight. According to KWQC, the original, animated version of the story will air Tuesday, December 3rd at 7 p.m.
This version is only half an hour long, as it was originally made for television. The first airing of The Grinch was way back in 1966.
If you're not quite in the Christmas spirit yet, it could be a good way to ease yourself in!
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