10 Of The Worst Oktoberfest Party Fouls For Iowans
Here's how not to be that person at Oktoberfest celebrations this fall.
We're rolling into Oktoberfest season. This year, according to the actual Oktoberfest website, Oktoberfest will kick off on September 16th and will end on October 3rd. That's a lot of time to drink beer, inhale pretzels, and dance to some polkas.
You'll have plenty of opps in the QCA to get your lederhosen on, including Eldridge's Beer Up Wine Down Oktoberfest on September 16th. I'll be DJ'ing that party so let's review some etiquette I don't want to see that night or any time during Oktoberfest. A lot of this should be common knowledge for you by now but this is how to not bring your friend group's party to a screeching halt.
Here are the top 10 worst party fouls Iowans can commit for Oktoberfest 2023.
This happens so often. It's one thing to spill it, it's another to spill it on your bestie's favorite 'going out' shirt.
Texting/Snap/scrolling TikTok, whatever is keeping your nose in your phone. It's fine to check it every once in a while but don't live in it. Your friends and your soon-to-be friends are around to keep you company.
Standard night out procedure means that no one gets left behind. Period. You have to hang back because Jenny is losing her guts in the bathroom? Do it. With so much (delightful) beers involved in Oktoberfest, make sure no one gets left behind at the end of the night.
One really great way to be the most hated person at the soiree is to pick a fight with someone or create drama that isn't really there. Yes, this includes aggressive flirting with the chick who clearly isn't into you.
Come on. It's Oktoberfest. You know you're about to drink your weight in beer. The least you can do to help curb a hangover from hell is to eat a few Bavarian pretzels throughout the night to have something on your stomach. Oktoberfest celebrations often have plenty of food around.
You better believe I'll be in my $30 dirndl dress for Oktoberfest. You'd wear green for St. Patrick's Day, why wouldn't you put on an appropriate German/Bavarian outfit for Oktoberfest? There are worse party fouls than rolling up in sweatpants but in a costume, you'd look significantly cooler.
Don't be that person that's always "let me try yours", "let me have a sip of yours", then guzzles half of the stein. You got your own drink. Drink that one.
Before you even utter a syllable to the bartender, look at where you parked. Did you block somebody in? Are you yourself going to be able to get out? Are you 50% over the line? Don't park weird.
Hey, you know this song? Dance! They're having a yodeling contest? Try it! Oktoberfest parties have different activities for partiers and they're there for you to enjoy. Sitting in the corner like a bump on a log isn't really doing Oktoberfest.
I'm well aware we're going into cuffing season and the timing of a boozy event like Oktoberfest with it just screams a text to your ex. Don't do it. And if you choose to do it, at least have your less-blitzed friend edit it for you and don't let the whole bar know you're doing it.