A Huge Grant Has Been Created To Help Flood Victims In The Quad Cities
As we start getting into the summer months (and mercifully, summer temperatures), it's heartbreaking to see how many Quad City businesses and residents are still working to recover after all the flooding.
By official estimates, roughly 1,000 households were affected between Rock Island and Scott County. Fortunately, getting aid is about to get a bit easier, thanks to new funding from the Quad Cities Community Foundation.
According to the Quad City Times, a $25,000 grant is now being offered for individual disaster assistance to victims of major flooding in the Quad Cities. It was created by residents, for residents.
Per their report, the grant only exists because of generous donations from residents, groups and businesses to the Quad Cities Disaster Recovery Fund. To date, the foundation says more than $120,000 has been raised for our fellow Quad Citizens.
But they aren't stopping there. Donations are still being accepted online at qcccommunityfoundation.org and at the Community Foundation’s Bettendorf office at 852 Middle Road, according to the Times.